
I’ve been pining to improve by knowledge of trees for some time.


What general term is used for a fruit (seed capsule) of two fused carpels where the length is more than three times the width? They are typical of the brassicaceae family.

SILIQUE (When the length is less than three times the width it is a silicle, with honesty having disc shaped ones)

What term coming from the Latin for a cluster of grapes, refers to the unbranched mass of flowers that grow on short floral stalks called pedicels? They are featured in honesty.


What does the vascular tissue phloem, coined by Carl Nägeli from the Greek for ‘bark’, transport?


Found in plants as a hormone that helps fruits to ripen, what is the chemical formula for ethylene or ethene, the simplest alkene?


Banned in numerous countries because of its link to an increased risk in cancer, what was the brand name of glyphosate when it was brought to market by Monsanto in 1974?


‘Rudbeckia hirta’, commonly called black-eyed Susan, is in which family that is also known as Compositae, containing the well known daisies and sunflowers?


The ‘hirta’ part of black-eyed Susan’s latin name ‘Rudbeckia hirta’ means what in Latin, with the ‘Rudbeckia’ part being named by Carl Linnaeus for a patron of his?


Consisting of undifferentiated cells that are capable of cell division, the meristem is a type of what found in plants?


Chloroplasts and chromoplasts are undifferentiated in the meristem but present in what rudimentary form that develops into an organelle often concerned with photosynthesis?


Containing the nucleus and the cytoplasm, what living part of the cell fills the meristem completely?


Their function being to help the plant increase its length, which type of meristematic tissues are located in the middle of the plant, rather than the apical tissue at the tips or the meristematic tissues at the sides?


Responsible for increasing the width of a plant, what type of meristematic tissues are present at the sides?


A term found in Terraforming, with what kind of astronomical body could the hypothetical Dyson Tree grow with a view to tapping into its water source?


Although the term tepals can be used when a part of it is not easy to classify, what two parts of a flower does the perianth generally consist of?

CALYX / SEPALS (The green part) AND COROLLA / PETALS (The colourful part)

The top part of the pistil above the style and the ovary, which part of the female plant organs receives the pollen?


What is the alternative common name for the Coulter Pine, a reference to its super large seed-bearing organ, with people working in such groves advised to wear hard hats in case one of these ‘widowmakers’ lands on their head?


Although the Coulter pine has the largest cone among trees in the ‘Pinus’ genus, it is defeated by Australia’s bunya-bunya tree in the conifer leaderboard. Found in the genus ‘Araucaria’, this tree is sometimes known as the false what?


Getting its name from David Douglas in reference to its bulk, what is the most widely distributed pine species in North America, recognised by Montana as its state tree? The Coulter pine can be found in the same subsection.


‘Pinus’ is such a vast genus that you don’t just get subgenus, but also section and subsection before you get to the species. To what section do most American hard pines belong, its name seemingly a misnomer as each cluster of leaves has two to five needles, and sometimes even eight?


Along with ‘Pinus’ for the hard pines, the genus ‘Pinus’ is divided into two subgenuses. What is the ‘whirling’ name given to the soft pines, with bristlecone pines and pinyons being two of the numerous examples that fall into this category?


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