
As this is a finite list I thought I’d try and fill in my knowledge gaps of some of the lesser known ones, but this was much drier than I anticipated. I couldn’t shake the feeling that the real joy in this subject is hiking somewhere where there is less light pollution and really appreciating the magic and imagination the night sky can really bring. Maybe I could recognise Orion, but the use of that word ‘maybe’ tells you where the problem lies.


Commemorating an invention by Denis Papin, what is the constellation called that has a name meaning ‘pump’ in Greek and Latin?


Having a name that means ‘without feet’, the constellation apus represents which member of the animal kingdom? Of course this animal does have feet!


Having no Messier objects so probably only of minor interest to non-experts, by what name is the constellation known as ‘the giraffe’ recognised by the International Astronomical Union?


Although its brightest star is Arcturus, the name of the constellation Boötes is not derived from a bear, but from which other animal? This leads to the usual nickname for this constellation.

OX / COW (Boötes is known as ‘The herdsman’)

The nearest star to Earth after the three stars in the Alpha Centauri system, in which constellation can Barnard’s Star be found?


Home to the Whirlpool Galaxy, the stars Cor Caroli and La Superba as well as one of the largest known black holes, what word is added to ‘Canes’ in the name of the constellation known as ‘the hunting dogs’?


Not as immediately obvious as the ‘Chamaeleon’ that sits before it in the alphabetical list, what is the constellation known as ‘the compass’ called in Latin? That’s a draughtman’s compass!


Along with leo, which other constellation has a name that only runs to three letters?


One of the numerous inanimate objects included in the constellations, what does the Latin word ‘ara’ mean in English?


Only approved by the Working Group on Star Names in 2017, Meridiana is the brightest star in which constellation, with Alphecca being the equivalent for the next constellation in the list alphabetically?


One of the brightest stars in the night sky, Fomalhaut can be found in which constellation that contains a sign of the zodiac, albeit with a slightly different spelling, within its two-word name?


Although its easy to think that the constellation dorado might refer to a goldfish and some have also called it a swordfish, it actually refers to which other fish with the binomial name ‘Coryphaena hippurus’?


Having its brightest star as Dalim, a word used for an ostrich, what is the Latin name for the constellation known as ‘the furnace’?


Known as the ‘little horse’, ‘foal’ or even ‘pony’, which constellation is associated with Celeris, a possible offspring of the winged horse pegasus?


Along with Pavo, Phoenix and Tucana one of the constellations known as the ‘Southern birds’, what is the constellation called that is known as ‘the crane’?


Actually an abbreviation of its former name ‘Equuleus Pictoris’, as what inanimate object is the constellation Pictor usually depicted?


The constellation known as Puppis represents what inanimate object, rather than a nice, happy puppy or a butterfly waiting to emerge?


Not containing the word ‘australis’ as one might expect, what is the smallest of the 88 constellations?


Not satisifed with there being constellations that represent a fish, southern fish and a dolphinfish, which constellation is known as the ‘flying fish’?


In an attempt to confuse those casting only a cursory glance over all things astronomy, the constellation known as ‘the cup’ has a Latin name that is shared with what feature that can be found many times in our solar system?


Perhaps one of the duller names among the 88 constellations and not to be confused with the etymology for one of the chemical elements, how is the constellation ‘the chisel’ known in Latin?


Attempting to drive me to complete insanity, which constellation is named for the mariner’s compass rather than the draftman’s compass like Circinus?


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