Austria – History, Geography & Sport

Will have to try and take in the Waldviertel next time I head to this country. Ticking off all its Bundesländer is on my to do list.


Though it surrounds Vienna, Lower Austria has its capital at which other city? It can be found in the Mostviertel, one of the region’s four quarters that is known for its pear ciders.


The Weinviertel makes up one of the four quarters of Lower Austria with the Mostviertel, Waldviertel and which other area that covers the region’s south-east? The city of Wiener Neustadt can be found here.


Virunum was a city founded by Emperor Claudius that was situated in modern day Carinthia. It served as the capital of which Roman province that had Pannonia to its east, a region that contained the famous city of Vindobona?


Until his total of seven was matched by German Eric Frenzel in 2022, Austrian Felix Gottwald had the highest number of medals of any athlete in which Winter Olympics event? Though both have three golds, Frenzel edges ahead on the all-time table with two silvers to Gottwald’s one.


Racking up their eighth consecutive title in 2023, the ÖFB Frauen team St. Pölten have taken over the mantle of dominating Austrian women’s football from which side who represent a small municipality in the same area? They won 12 titles in a row from 2003 to 2014.


Becoming the first post-World War II Chancellor of Austria, Leopold Figl spent time imprisoned at Dachau and which other concentration camp that was situated around 20km east of Linz? A musical cycle by “Zorba the Greek” composer Mikis Theodorakis based on the poems of survivor Iakovos Kambanellis is named for it.


Found on the Danube between Vienna and Bratislava, which Roman ‘castrum’ became the capital of the province Pannonia Superior when Pannonia was divided in 103 AD? Guido von List, an Austrian who took an interest in the stranger things and promoted Wotanism, wrote a novel by this name in the late 19th century.


Issued so that his daughter Maria Theresa could take over after his death, the Pragmatic Sanction of 1713 was issued by which Habsburg ruler of the Holy Roman Empire who had no male heirs at the time?


Easy to confuse with an ethnic group based elsewhere, what name was given to a Khaganate that was established in 567 focused on the Pannonian Basin that was the target of a campaign by Charlemagne’s son Pepin of Italy in 796? At its westernmost extent in incorporated territory that included the area around Vienna.


The Margraviate of Austria was given to Leopold I in 976, a member of which house whose shield had a horizontal tricolour of red, white and red, the origin of the colours for the Austrian flag?


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