
More ludicrously hard questions from my insane run through of all things Chinese mythology. I really should consider playing “Smite” as it might just help me cement my knowledge of some of these world deities.


A symbol of wealth and prosperity with fiery red eyes, which three-legged golden toad with a two-word Chinese name is associated with the moon and is popularly used as a feng shui charm?


Lin Moniang was a Fujianese shamaness who has been deified as which major goddess associated with sailors and other folk that earn their livelihood from the sea? There is a statue of her in Tainan and she is supposedly buried in a group of East China Sea islands that are named for her.


On the twenty third of the twelfth lunar month which kitchen god goes up to heaven to report the goings on of households to the Jade Emperor? Legend tells of him becoming deified after he had burnt himself to death.


Providing the name for a unique sub-machine gun in “Cyperpunk 2077”, which ‘responsive’ dragon from Chinese mythology is a god of rain and a powerful servant of the Yellow Emperor? In contrast to Gonggong they are usually depicted with wings.


Famous for its ability to eat an entire elephant, which monstrous snake from Chinese myth takes three years to digest that giant prey? The good news is a health elixir can then be made from the disgorged bones.


Housing the National People’s Congress, which of China’s ‘Ten Great Buildings’ sits on the opposite side of Tiananmen Square to the National Museum of China? Both buildings were completed in 1959 to mark the ten year anniversary of the People’s Republic being established.


Though the heads are not regenerated like the famous monster from Greek mythology, which beast from Chinese mythology has been called the Chinese hydra? His name has been used for the moon of dwarf planet Gonggong, that scattered disc member being named in turn for the water god that the serpentine creature served.


After Nüwa’s daughter Yandi died in the East Sea she was tranformed into which bird that tries to fill up the sea with twigs and pebbles? They feature in the video game “Smite”, one of their moves being ‘persistent gust’.


Containing works from the Han period and by the earlier Warring States figures of Qu Yuan and Song Yu, the title of which poetry anthology references a vassal state of the Zhou dynasty that lasted until the ascendancy of the Qin?


Part of the “Three Li” with the “Zhouli” and the “Yili”, what is the classic Confucius work called the “Liji” known as in English?


Famous examples being “Journey to the West” and the 16th century “The Investiture of the Gods”, what name is given to a subgenre of Chinese fiction that centres around gods and demons’?



A bit about national parks here, which may well be something I consider starting to tick off if I manage to finish visiting the list of Bundesländer in the next couple of years.


Models made by them usually containing numbers with S650 and 57 being two examples, the German luxury car maker Maybach is a subsidiary of which other German car brand?


His works with Gottlieb Daimler including the ‘Standuhr’ or ‘grandfather clock’ engine, Wilhelm Maybach has been called the ‘King of’ what?


Containing beech forests that make up part of an extensive World Heritage Site listing with other green areas across Europe, which national park on a namesake peninsula north-east of Rügen is known for the largest chalk cliffs in Germany, the highest of these being Königsstuhl?


Shallow lagoons called ‘bodden’ can be found in Germany’s third largest national park, which you may well be visiting if you find yourself on the Darß or Zingst peninsulas. In which region of Germany can this coastal landscape be found?


Like Jasmund National Park containing some of UNESCO’s protected beech forests, which Mecklenburg-Vorpommern national park that lies between Berlin and Rostock is also known for its many lakes, these including the second largest one in Germany for which it is named?


A key conversation area for beech forest, which German national park is the only one that can be found in Thuringia? The towns of Mühlhausen and Eisenach lie on its outskirts.


Carrying a nicely alliterative name that reminds one of a different country, which national park near Dresden is in the German part of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains? Some of its rock formations like Lilienstein are stunning.


Named for a Balzac short story, which statue created by Peter Lenk and clandestinely erected at the entrance to Konstanz’ harbour commemorates the Council of Constance that took place there between 1414 and 1418?


The German president is elected by which political body whose name translates as ‘federal convention’? It consists of members of the Bundestag and an equal number of state delegates.


Operating at a lower level than a state but a higher level than a ‘Gemeinde’, Germany’s administrative divisions include hundreds that are known by what ‘circular’ term, this sometimes being preceded by ‘Land’ or ‘Stadt’ in a compound word?


UK travels

Seven of these questions are from me travelling around towns in north-west England. In a departure to the norm I even took some photos, but there are zero points on offer for working out which are mine and which are from Wikicommons.


The site of a 1957 fire that is considered to be the worst nuclear accident in the UK, to what name was Windscale ‘rebranded’ in 1981? This site lies to the west of a much prettier area known as the Lake District.


Elizabeth Gaskell is buried in which English town, with there being a memorial tower there named for her? The fictional town in her novel “Cranford” was based on this place.


Containing both Ben Nevis and Ben Macdui, the Grampian Mountains are separated from the Northwest Highlands by which fault with an alliterative two-word name?


Coming from Cockney rhyming slang, what would you be doing if you were having a butcher’s at something?

HAVING A LOOK (From butcher’s hook)

His other work including Crown Fountain in Chicago, what is the name of the Spanish artist who is responsible for the Dream sculpture in Sutton Manor Woodland near St. Helens?


One being found in Clock Face Country Park near St. Helens, what is a diagram called that is sometimes found at viewing points that includes sights of interest and how far away they are? This term’s Greek origin suggests that a ‘place’ can be ‘examined’.


Found on a green of the Kent village of Offham, what name derived from the Latin for ‘fifth’ could be tilted at in the medieval sport of jousting?


Perhaps found at your local leisure centre or a school, for what does MUGA stand for in a place where you can participate in sporting activity?


Containing hundreds of etchings of sporting people such as footballers Iván Campo, Bruno N’Gotty and Jussi Jaaskelainen, the sculpture called “The Spirit of Sport” can be found near the football ground of which English team?


When Bolton Wanderers won the FA Cup by beating a Manchester United side that had earlier that year lost players in the Munich Air Disaster, who was the player that scored both of the goals in a 2-0 victory? He had previously scored three goals for England at the 1954 World Cup.


Another rebranding of Bolton Wanderers’ stadium in 2023 saw it become the Toughsheet Community Stadium. Based in Westhoughton, what type of products do they sell?



A little bit of history and a rewrite of some stale questions on Uzbek Olympic gold medallists. Will anyone ever ask about one of them?


Defeating Yuberjen Martínez in the final, who won Olympic gold for Uzbekistan in the men’s light flyweight in 2016? He was awarded the Val Barker Trophy for the best boxer at those Games, an award that has had illustrious winners like Vasiliy Lomachenko.


Spared by Genghis Khan’s Mongols when they ran riot in the rest of the city, which tall minaret is one of the stand out sights in Bukhara? Having a name that means ‘great’, this Uzbek tower with an associated mosque in also known as the ‘Tower of Death’ because criminals used to be thrown to their deaths from a gallery at its top.


Who won Olympic gold for Uzbekistan in the freestyle wrestling in 2004? He did have three gold medals, but was stripped of his 2008 and 2012 victories for doping, this not stopping him from being elected to the State Duma for North Ossetia.


A mausoleum that is seen as a precursor to Mughal buildings such as the Taj Mahal, Samarkand’s Gur-e Amir is the burial place of which historical figure?


Who was Uzbekistan’s first Olympic gold medallist, winning light welterweight gold in 2000? After winning his first 11 professional bouts it appeared that he was counted out in his 12th when he didn’t understand the referee’s count because it was in English.


Bukhara was the capital of which Persian empire that existed from 819 to 999? The unit of another country’s currency is derived from the dynasty’s name.

SAMANIDS (The currency being the Tajik somoni)

Also winning the 2019 World Championship in the same weight class, who won gold for Uzbekistan in men’s flyweight boxing at the 2016 Olympics when they defeated Russian Mikhail Aloyan in the final, a fighter who was stripped of his silver after testing positive for the stimulant tuaminoheptane?


Occurring supposedly as a result of the ‘Curse of Timur’, which unsuccessful invasion began two days after the remains of Timur were removed from the Samarkand mausoleum of Gur-e Amir?


Later that year spending more than a month in a coma after fracturing her skull, who won Uzbekistan’s only Winter Olympics medal, a gold in freestyle skiing in 1994? She died in 2019 at the age of 50.


Timur’s remains were reinterred in the architectural marvel of Gur-e Amir shortly before the Russian victory at Stalingrad. How does the Persian name of this Samarkand mausoleum translate?


His results from London being wiped following a doping violation, who won Olympic gold for Uzbekistan in the 2016 weightlifting? He set the clean & jerk world record in the 109 kg category on his way to securing the Asian Championship on home soil in 2020.


Later going on to reconstruct the face of Ivan the Terrible, which Russian archaeologist supposedly invoked the Curse of Timur when he opened the Mongol leader’s burial chamber in Samarkand?


Matching his World Championship performance from a year earlier, which gymnast from Uzbekistan won men’s parallel bars bronze in 2008?


A rare Uzbek medal outside the combat sports, who won women’s trampolining bronze in 2008? She had just missed out four years earlier with a 4th place.


Who won Olympic gold for Uzbekistan in the Greco-Roman wrestling in 2004? Unusually he has won both the Asian and European Championships, the latter in 2001 when representing Georgia.



Some re-writing of my journey through Chinese mythology as the original questions were so poor that they made no connection whatsoever. They’re still almost impossible to get, but at least they’re a bit more interesting now.


Following the use of Liaoning and Shandong for the first two, which Chinese province gives the name of China’s third aircraft carrier? It began the testing of its electromagnetic catapult launch system in 2023.


Most often associated with Taoism, the qingniao birds are the messengers of which Queen Mother of the west? Her abode is said to lie in Kunlun Mountain.


Evidence for its use in timekeeping being found on oracle bones prior to 1,000 BC, what Chinese term is used for a sexagenary cycle of 60 years? The names for each year come from stems and branches, one example of this being ‘metal monkey’ for number 57.


Having a name meaning something like ‘nest-owner’, who was the inventor of houses and buildings in Chinese mythology? They taught people how to make wooden shelters.


Credited with introducing the Chinese to cooking, which legendary figure has a name meaning ‘fire-maker’? The first half of his name is also that of a later dynasty.


Discovering silk after a cocoon fell into her tea, which legendary wife of the Yellow Emperor is a pioneer of sericulture?


Along with his sister and wife Nüwa, which Chinese deity that is often depicted with the body of a serpent is said to have created humanity?


A participant on the idol show “X-Fire” who became a member of boy band X-Nine, which Chinese singer’s song “Spotlight” became one of the biggest selling tracks of all time thanks to digital sales in 2020? This followed a controversial boycott of him linked to the Great Firewall of China shutting down fan fiction site Archive of Our Own.


Two pagodas found in Xi’an are named for a wild version of which animal? Both being included in the extensive Silk Road World Heritage listing, they are distinguished from each other by reference to their size, one being called giant and the other being called small.


Xian’s Giant Wild Goose Pagoda holds items brought back from India by which 7th-century Buddhist monk? Honoured by a statue in front of that temple, his works include “Great Tang Records on the Western Regions” and translating part of the “Mahabharata”.


Credited with authoring a pharmacopia that contained important knowledge on herbal medicine such as the mushroom of longevity known as the lingzhi, which legendary Chinese ruler is associated with teaching his subjects the skills required for agriculture? This multi-talented supposed inventor of the plough may even have accidentally discovered tea.


Possibly making you think of a Chinese city, what term that finds use in Taoism is used for a being who is effectively immortal? One such example is Magu, a goddess who has been aasociated with hemp.


One of the five classics of ancient Chinese literature, what is the Chinese title for a work that translates as the ‘Classic of Documents’? Thought to have been compiled by Confucius it does have other names, one being “Shangshu”, a term that means ‘venerated documents’.


One of the twelve ornaments that decorated imperial garments in ancient China, the three-eyed raven that represents the sun is known by what name?


Known as the ‘Chinese Sisyphus’, which folkloric figure spends his time on the Moon trying to cut down an osmanthus tree only to have it grow back again when he’s nearly done?



Apparently the last South American war was in 1995, but it’s perhaps surprising to look back at how few conflicts there have been between two countries on the continent in recent history.


Shared with the name of a city in Chile, which culture from around 3,500 to 1,500 BC that existed in Ecuador is known for its female figurines?


Ecuador’s Valdivia culture was preceded by a culture that shared its name with which American city? There is a period between the two that lacks evidence of habitation for around 1,000 years.


Finding use in histology and linguistics among numerous others, what word can be used to describe a gap in a manuscript or a missing piece of history, an example being the time between the Las Vegas and Valdivia cultures in Ecuador?


Situated west of Guayaquil, in which coastal Ecuadorian province that lies on the peninsula of the same name did the Las Vegas and Valdivia cultures flourish?


Taking place in 1995, the Fourth Ecuadorian-Peruvian War was fought around the headlands of which river that is included in the most popular name for this conflict and the disputed area the two countries were fighting over? Following mediation, the demarcation of the border was settled by the 1998 Brasilia Presidential Act.


Elaborate figurines from the Jama-Coaque culture of Ecuador’s coastal province of Manabí can be found in the Walters Art Museum in which American city? Its collection of Ancient American art also displays artefacts from the Valdivia culture.


Found in Ecuador’s Cañar province, which Incan ruins  have the stand out feature of a temple that has been designed so that the sun shines through a doorway at the solstices?


Sharing its name with an ancient culture, which coastal National Park and Ramsar Wetland in Ecuador’s Manabí province includes the Isla de la Plata, a place where Francis Drake allegedly hid a hoard of treasure?


Studied by Alexander von Humboldt a few years after the event, a 1797 earthquake that saw thousands of casualties is named for which city that is now capital of Ecuador’s Chimborazo province?


Inspiring a short story of the same name by Jorge Luis Borges, which Ecuadorian city played host to an 1822 conference that saw independence heroes José de San Martin and Simón Bolivar discuss their differing ideas for the future of the South American continent?


United States

I found one of these questions in my Russia notes despite it having zero to do with that country, so I’ve played the anti-lazy card and corrected that sub-par display, just because.


Clint Eastwood’s production company Malpaso takes its name from a short creek found to the south of Carmel in which California county that is named for a bay? Its largest city and seat is at Salinas and it is home of golf major host Pebble Beach.


One of the trumpeters featured on Paul Simon’s “You Can Call Me Al”, which jazz musician became known for closely mirroring Dizzy Gillespie’s sound? Also proficient with the flugelhorn, his albums include “Hornucopia”.


Who teamed up with John Coltrane on a 1963 album that was 50 years later inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame, this being the only time the “A Love Supreme” saxophonist collaborated with a jazz singer?


Failing to get a pardon from Abraham Lincoln, who was the only person executed for slave trading in 1862 after his ship was captured by the USS Mohican in 1860?


Based on a series of articles she wrote as an undercover correspondent for the “New York World”, what is the title of Nellie Bly’s book about mental institutions?


Seen as a modern-day Darwin, which sociobiologist won the non-fiction Pulitzer twice for “On Human Nature” and “The Ants”? Clearly a myrmecophile, he wrote a novel called “Anthill”.


San Jose is the seat of which large Californian county that is home to the city of Cupertino, which is where Apple Inc built their new HQ that opened in 2017?


Boston Marathon bombers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev spent part of their youth growing up in the city of Tokmok. Not far from the remains of ancient Balasagun and its Burana Tower, it can be found in which country?


Further west than Cape Flattery, which cape is the westernmost point of the contiguous United States? It is named for the commissioner of the Nootka Sound Conventions in the 1790s, those agreements dividing territory between Spain and England.


Terra, Aqua and Aura are among the satellites that have comprised the EOS, the initials of that NASA program standing for what?



I shouldn’t really be getting questions wrong about sites I’ve visited, but it just shows I need to pay more attention. Then again, I can never remember the name of Hagar Qim despite it leaving a vivid impression.


If you draw a suspiciously neat diagram showing the cardinal directions of the ‘Winds of the Mediterranean’ it could lie between the northerly tramontane and the easterly levante. Its starting point the island of Zakynthos, what name is given to a north-easterly wind that most often hits Malta during the winter months?


Maltese architect Girolamo Cassar designed which Valletta building that served as the home of Malta’s parliament up until 2015? It is named for the role held by Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim when he passed control of the country over to the French in 1798.


Designed as part of Valletta’s wider City Gate Project, Malta’s Parliament House features an exterior that shows off Gotzian limestone around a modern design that is the brainchild of which 1998 Pritzker Prize winner?


The Maltese flag contains a George Cross in its top left-hand corner that contains which two words around a depiction of St George battling a dragon?


Five guard towers appear at the top of the Maltese coat of arms, these being a type of vedette that is known by what Maltese term?


Music for the Maltese National Anthem “L’Innu Malti” was composed by Robert Samut, with which ‘Bard of Malta’ providing the lyrics? Originally his works being written in Italian, he is best known by a name different to that of his birth.


A small island or pair of islands that lie a short distance from the north coast of Malta are named for which saint who was possibly shipwrecked in the area? A coastal town between Valletta and Mellieha is also named for this holy figure.

ST. PAUL (The town being St. Paul’s Bay)

Son of a former president with the first name George, who became Prime Minister of Malta in 2020? He took over from Robert Muscat after that leader stepped down in the aftermath of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination.


Muslim rule in Malta ended in 1091 when which Grand Count of Sicily carried out a successful invasion for the Duchy of Normandy? The successor to Robert Guiscard, traditional claims that the red and white of his House of Hauteville influenced the colours for the Maltese flag are considered to be a possible fabrication.


From 1654 to 1967 Malta was home to which branch of the Royal Navy, with Horatio Nelson and ‘ABC’ Cunningham among those who’ve been its Commander-in-Chief?


Found in the town of Paola, what type of subterranean structure provides one of Malta’s World Heritage Sites? Preceded by the words Hal Saflieni in the UNESCO listing, the term means ‘underground’ in Greek.



I’ve been caught out twice recently by not being able to recognise this country’s parliament and its autonomous region. They both are potential sitters.


World Junior Champion in 2019, who won gold for Uzbekistan in weightlifting at Tokyo 2020 with an Olympic record in the 109 kg category? He followed this up with a World Championship win on home soil in 2021 and won that title again in 2023.


Having multiple symbolic meanings, how many white stars can be found on the flag of Uzbekistan? They make up three rows, with a different number present on each.


The emblem of Uzbekistan contains a depiction of which legendary bird that is said to never come to rest? It may have been an influence on the 2nd-Generation fire Pokémon Ho-Oh.


Having a recognised regional language, which autonomous republic that makes up the northwesternmost part of Uzbekistan has its capital at the city of Nukus? Sites to visit there include the fortress of Kyzyl-Kala, an ancient structure once used by the Khwarazmian Empire.


The Koryo-saram are ethnic Koreans that live in former Soviet countries like Uzbekistan. By what double-barreled term is the dialect they speak known as?


Beating Team GB’s Bradley Sinden 34-29 in a high scoring final, who became Uzbekistan’s first ever taekwondo gold medallist at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics?


Though it has since used the Latin and Cyrillic alphabets, what is the traditional alphabet used by those who speak Bukharian, a language named for the former emirate of Bukhara?


The permanent successor to long time leader Islam Karimov, which 2nd President of Uzbekistan had to deal with protests in 2022 within Karakalpakstan against a proposed amendment to the constitution that would have removed that region’s autonomous status? He had previously served a 13-year stint as Prime Minister.


Now consisting of the Legislative Chamber and a Senate, what two-word term is used for the bicameral parliament of Uzbekistan?


One of the lowest value coins in the world, which sub-division of the Uzbekistani sum was also formerly the name of a sub-unit of the Kazakh tenge? The word used means ‘squirrel’, with squirrel pelts having served as currency in the past.


Defeating Cuban-born Azerbaijani Lorenzo Sotomayor in the final, that boxer being the nephew of high jump legend Javier Sotomayor, who won gold for Uzbekistan in the men’s light welterweight division at the 2016 Olympics?



Unfortunately I did not know the Portuguese word for ‘cry’ and it isn’t quite the mangled spelling of ‘llorar’ that I hoped it would be.


Mainly eaten in Brazil, which meal accompaniment is made from toasted cassava flour and may be served at a churrasco or with feijoada, the country’s national dish? It is similar to garri, a staple of West African cuisine.


Referring to a ‘favourite’ or a ‘loved one’, what term can be used in Brazil for a sweetheart or someone you hold a lot of affection for? There is a song by 2021 “Big Brother Brasil” winner Juliette by this name.


A settlement formed by escaped slaves, the Quilombo dos Palmares can be found in which small Brazilian state that has its capital at Maceió? The airport that serves that city is named for Zumbi, one of the quilombola leaders that tried to resist colonial forces.


In what year did the Liberal Revolution take place in Portugal? Having its origins in the city of Porto it saw the country’s king return home from Brazil with Prince Pedro staying behind and declaring Brazilian independence two years later.


Sitting on the banks of the Branco, a tributary of the Rio Negro, which planned city in Roraima is the only Brazilian state capital to lie entirely north of the equator?


Used in the Brazilian instrumental music genre choro, the guitar-like cavaquinho is similar to which Madeiran instrument that shares a name with an object that could be used for more lethal purposes?


When listening to Brazilian music genres such as coco, choro or capoeira you may hear the sound of the pandeiro. This instrument looks similar to which other percussion instrument that contains ‘zills’ within a frame?


Its capital being Montevidéu, which province existed as part of Brazil from independence up until 1828? It went its separate ways as Uruguay after the Empire of Brazil signed the Preliminary Peace Convention with the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata.


Now the capital of Pará state, the city of Belém has a monument designed by Oscar Niemeyer that commemorates which rebellion that lasted from 1835 to 1840? Its name comes from huts that were found on the waterways of northern Brazil.


Occurring during Ramadan in 1835, which slave rebellion took its name from a contemporary word used to describe Muslims in Bahia? If you ignore accents its name is shared with the capital of an Asian country.


The Balaida was one of the numerous revolts that took place during the early period of Brazilian independence. This rebellion being named for a basketmaker turned leader, it took place in which northern Brazilian state that is surrounded by Pará to the west, Tocantins to the south, Piauí to the east and the Atlantic Ocean to the north?


Named after its military leader Francisco Sabino, the Sabinada that took place from 1837 to 1838 was an unsuccessful revolt that saw the rebels capture which major Brazilian city that is included on UNESCO’s World Heritage list?


Giuseppe Garibaldi got involved in which Brazilian war that lasted from 1835 to 1845? Ended by the Green Poncho Treaty, its English name is shared with a thick-furred cat breed.