
This is a Ham-fisted attempt to generate some honey-roasted interest in Noah’s second son. Though curses are cool. And grimoires. I like grimoires. They have nothing to do with any of this. I just wanted to write the word.


Coming from Greek words that mean ‘common’ and ‘life’, what term has been used for monks who live in a community? They share their name with a group of demonic beings created by English horror writer Clive Barker.


Father to mighty hunter Nimrod, which son of Ham is identified with a namesake kingdom that was established in the 8th century BC?


The second son of Ham, which biblical figure has been suggested to be the ultimate origin of the name of a modern day country in the language that is most commonly spoke there?

MIZRAIM (Misr is the Arabic for Egypt)

Phut was the third son of Ham and is supposed to be the founder of which ancient region that lives on in the name of a modern country?


Brother to Cush, Mizraim and Phut, which son of Ham was the one who was unfortunately the subject of the curse given by Noah after his second son caught him naked? His name was used for a Semitic-speaking civilisation.


Found within the sun of the Jesuits’ logo along with a cross and three nails, which Latin phrase do the letters IHS stand for?


Published in 1971, “A Theology of Liberation” is a work by which influential Peruvian priest who helped to popularise the concept of Latin American liberation theology?


Canonised in 1962, ‘Saint of the broom’ Martin of Porres was active in which country during the 16th and 17th centuries? He is buried in the Convent of Santo Domingo in the country’s capital.


The last of his regnal name and the most recent not to be a bishop when elected, which Pope beatified Martin of Porres in 1837? His reign lasted from 1831 to 1846.


The “Codex Vaticanus”, “Codex Sinaiticus”, “Codex Alexandrinus” and “Codex Ephraemi” are known as the ‘Four Great’ what, being the only remaining codices of this type to contain the entire text of the old and new testaments in Greek?


Greek myth

I was collecting questions from playing “Hades”, but I’ve now gone into chicken mode because the second boss has too many heads and I’m scared.


Found wandering about the underworld in the video game “Hades”, what term is used for a dead person’s spirit in Greek mythology? On his long journey home Odysseus goes to visit the one belonging to the blind seer Tiresias in order to receive advice on he may return to Ithaca.


In contrast to Tartarus for the wicked and Elysium for the righteous, in which part of the underworld will the souls of ordinary people wallow away the hours? After a few runs on the video game “Hades” you should reach the chambers of this section.


Featured in the Seventh Circle of Hell in Dante’s “Inferno” where Alexander the Great is up to his eyebrows in it, which river of the underworld in Greek mythology is associated with fire?


An early boss in the video game “Hades”, which figure in Greek myth who is a daughter of Nyx should not be confused with a similarly named wife of Heracles? Perhaps surprisingly, she also gives her name to the title character in the 1964 Hammer horror film “The Gorgon”.


In John Keats’ “Ode to a Nightingale” being described as ‘blushful’, which spring on Mount Helicon was created when Pegasus hit the ground with his hoof while being ridden by Bellerophon?


Though one run-of-the-mill account tells of how he died of grief following the loss of his wife Eurydice to a snakebite, another tells of how Orpheus was killed by which ‘raving ones’ after showing disrespect to Dionysus?


Nessus is an important figure in the legend of Hercules and a boss that needs to be taken down in the video game “Titan Quest”. He was the son of which brother of Lapithes from Greek mythology?


Heracles’ wife Deianeira smeared poisoned blood over a cloak to try and restore her husband’s faithfulness when she became jealous of which daughter of King Erytus?


Its title referring to a place that lies west of Thermopylae, which of Sophocles’ plays is based around the myth of Heracles’ death?


Depicted in the form of horses, which group of four figures from Greek mythology were responsible for pulling Zeus’ chariot? Eos’ son Notus was one of them.


Greek myth

This is a subject that continually springs up surprises. Learning of the possible connection between Sisyphus and Odysseus was a delight!


The faintest of the group because she married a mortal, which of the Pleiades was the wife of Sisyphus? When her husband died he instructed her not to carry out the correct burial process so that he could use it as a ruse to return from the Underworld.


One story in Greek myth tells of how Sisyphus raped Autolycus’ daughter as punishment for stealing his cattle. Later married off to Laertes, who was this mother of Odysseus, with the boulder pusher possibly the hero’s true father?


Alcathoe, Leucippe and Arsippe are a triad of princesses found in Greek mythology known by what collective term? Hermes turned them into bats after Dionysus drove them mad when they refused to worship him.


Featuring as a guide in Dante’s “Purgatorio”, Statius is known for his unfinished work “Achilleid” as well as which collection of poetry, an epic work made up of twelve books?


Which Euboean prince proved Odysseus’ sanity by placing the hero’s son Telemachus before the plough, thus ensuring the Greek hero would take part in the Trojan War? Although not mentioned in “The Iliad”, in some accounts this person was also a major participant himself.


In some sources the father of Adonis, which king of Cyprus gifted Agamemnon a piece of chest-armour to show his support for the Greek soldiers that were going to fight at Troy?


Jointly ruling Thebes until they quarreled, who were the two brothers of Antigone? Statius’ “Thebaid” tells how they fought over the throne, both ultimately dying in the conflict.


In the Sophocles play “Antigone” Theban ruler Creon sentences the title figure to be buried alive. He later has a change of heart that unfortunately comes too late for the princess as she had already committed suicide by what method?


In Sophocles’ spin on the tragic tale of Antigone, which son of Creon stabbed himself to death with a knife on hearing of the Theban princess’ death?


In multiple accounts married to the Thracian king Oeagrus, which of the nine Muses who was the mother of Orpheus?


Greek mythology

This has always been a subject I’ve enjoyed, with the highlight for me being the monsters. I struggle a lot more with kings like Idomeneus.


After the giant cannibals of the Laestrygonians had destroyed 11 of his fleet’s 12 ships, to which island did Odysseus sail, he and his crew staying there for about a year?


Daughters of Nyx and sisters to the Moirai, what term is used for female ‘death spirits’ that can be found in Greek mythology? Medea used these to drive Talos mad from the safety of the Argo, leading to the bronze Cretan giant’s downfall.


A titaness who was a goddess of justice and second wife to Zeus, Themis was the mother to which triad of goddesses, with one variation of their names being Diké, Eunomia and Eirene?


Home to the original site of the Olympic Games, which of the ancient regions of the Peloponnese shares its name with a modern administrative unit that has its capital at Pyrgos? Eternal sleeper Endymion has been associated with the area.


An important warrior on the side of the Greeks during the Trojan War who was even able to fight against the gods, Diomedes also pops up in Shakespeare’s “Troilus and Cressida” where he seeks the latter title character’s affections. He was a king of which city-state?


Brother to the Spartan king Tyndareus, who would only give his daughter Penelope’s hand in marriage to the person that could beat him in a foot race, a feat achieved by the Greek hero Odysseus?


Desired by King Priam’s daughter Ilia, which son of Idomeneus was a character in Mozart’s opera “Idomeneo”? That work tells the story of how as a trade off for being allowed to arrive safely home by Poseidon after the Trojan War, the titular king must sacrifice the first person he meets when he gets there, this turning out to be his son.


Daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, which queen of Mycenae was a character in Euripides’ “Iphigenia at Aulis” and has Castor for a brother and Pollux for a step-brother?


The largest in the Sporades group, which island played an important role in Greek myth as the place where Achilles dressed as a girl to try and avoid the Trojan War? It was also the location of the cliff where Theseus was thrown to his death.


In whose court on Skyros did Achilles disguise himself as a girl, this king also being responsible for throwing Theseus to his death?


Oneiros was killed by Orestes after a spat over where a tent should be pitched. He was the son of which of Lycomedes’ daughters, who had an affair with Achilles that also resulted in the birth of Neoptolemus?


Although not featured in “The Iliad”, the story of Achilles disguising himself as a girl appeared in which 1st century CE Roman poet’s “Achilleid”, a popular source for multiple lesser known operatic works?



I have a tendency to struggle with subjects set around the Arabic world, so I guess I just need to find a way of changing that. I seem to like bridges, so why not start there?


Originally written in Arabic, which work by Averroes with a five-word title was a rebuttal of Al-Ghazali’s “The Incoherence of the Philosophers”?


Screened out of competition at Cannes, which 1997 Egyptian film by Youssef Chahine was about Averroes and set in the Spanish city of Córdoba?


Taslim is the concluding part of the Muslim prayer, that being known by what Arabic term, with participants facing the qibla and following a prescribed cycle of bows and prostrations called ‘rakat’ during it?


During the concluding part of the salat known as the ‘taslim’ a phrase needs to be repeated twice. What is supposed to be done during this recitation?


The bridge of As-Sirāt must be crossed on the Yawm al-Qiyāmah, a Judgment Day that contains a few ominous trumpet blasts. How does the Arabic name for this day translate?


Not to be confused with a place of punishment that is its direct opposite, what Arabic name is given to the Muslim paradise, the destination of those that successfully cross the As-Sirāt?


While the Mumin can enjoy pleasure in Jannah, what term is used in Islam for ‘Unbelievers’, those who will spend their time in the similarly named Jahannam?


Popular in the 16th and 17th centuries, the work known as the “Falnama” often includes illustrations and was used by fortune tellers in Iranian, Indian and Turkic cultures. It is commonly known as the “Book of” what, which may be familiar to fans of “Thundercats”?


One of the main angels found in Islam, who is said to blow the trumpet on Yawm al-Kiyāmah and is considered to be the equivalent of the archangel Raphael in Jewish tradition?


Known by a three-letter term with two alternate spellings, what is a demon-like creature from Persian folklore? Unable to be killed through physical means, one must find the object that stores its soul, the destruction of which will cause it to disappear.


Said to be sharper than the sharpest sword, the Judgment Day bridge As-Sirāt is also said to be thinner than what?


An appealing destination for those that have successfully crossed As-Sirāt and escaped the potential flames of Jahannam, by what three-word term is the Hawd al-Kawthar known in English?