
Tough subject this one and it will probably be some time before I can rattle off Masinissa. The dynasty questions definitely need some seasoning to make them more palatable.


Which three countries border Algeria to its south, in order from west to east?


A member of the National Liberation Front party and formerly a Prime Minister, who has taken the reigns of power in Algeria from Abdelaziz Bouteflika, ruling as president since 2019?


With the lower house being the People’s National Assembly, by what four-word title is the upper house called, being the only country to have a division of their parliament by this name?


During the Second Punic War Masinissa defeated Syphax to unite what Kingdom, which existed from 202 to 40 BC, at times being a Roman client state?


Which Roman province that existed from 42 AD until the late 7th century has a name that referred to its capital, now known by the name of Cherchell?


With a completely erroneous name that means ‘nothing higher’, what name is shared by a mountain range and inhabited region of north-western Algeria as well as a kingdom that existed from 430 to 735 AD?


Which Mauro-Roman kingdom that existed from around 477 to 578 was an independent Christian Berber kingdom centred around its namesake capital that controlled much of the ancient Roman province of Mauretania Caesariensis?


Which short-lived Kharijite state situated in present-day Algeria and known as either a Kingdom or Emirate was founded by the Berbers of the Banu Ifran in the eighth century?


Succeeded by the Fatimids, which dynasty of Ibadi imams had their capital at Tahert, ruling areas from around 707 to 909?


Named after the brother of Idris I, which dynasty based in Fez ruled parts of western Algeria from 814 to 922, their capitals including Tlemcen?


Descending from a military leader of the Fatimid Caliphate, which emirs ruled in the name of the Fatimids, ruling large parts of the Maghreb from 972 to 1148? Their capitals included Kairouan.


Founded in 1007, the first capital of which Sanhaja Berber dynasty has been recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site? The state reached its peak under Nasir ibn Alnas becoming briefly the most important state in north-west Africa.

HAMMADID (The site is Qalaat Beni Hammad)

Named for their founder and having its capital at Tlemcen, which dynasty had a long-lasting reign from 1235 to 1554?


What was the name of the state active from 1516 to 1830 under the Ottoman Empire, with the military basis being established by Hayreddin Barbarossa?


Named for its capital, how was the Emirate of Mascara also known, existing briefly from 1832 to 1847, being succeeded by French Algeria?


Which national oil company of Algeria is the largest company in Africa, supplying large amounts of natural gas to Europe?


Which Muslim geographer, cartographer and Egyptologist lived for some time in Palermo at the court of King Roger II? He was born and died in Ceuta, and created the Tabula Rogeriana, one of the most well known medieval world maps.


Sharing her name with someone from the world of art, who was the wife of Masinissa who poisoned herself rather than submit to a Roman triumph? She had previously been married to Masinissa’s defeated rival Syphax.


Numidian king Masinissa was buried in which ancient Berber and Roman settlement that later became the modern Algerian city of Constantine?


Some of the information on king Masinissa comes from “Scipio’s Dream”, named for a general who oversaw the destruction of Carthage in 146 BC and a work by whom?


Which Greek histotian is noted for his work “The Histories”, which covered the Punic Wars in detail and is alleged to have met Numidian king Masinissa, lauding his praise of him with particular reference to cultivating fruit?


Located in Sétif province and formerly named Cuicul, which Algerian World Heritage Site is noted for some of the best Roman remains in North Africa and its unique adaptation of their architecture to a mountain environment? Its theatre is particularly impressive.


Neanderthals in Algeria used which technique for producing flint tools that was developed over 250,000 years ago is sometimes considered to be part of the Mousterian stone tool industry? It takes its name from half of a double-barreled suburb of Paris.


Classically known as Theveste and having a population of around 200,000, which capital of its namesake province has city walls and gates, also being known for its traditional Algerian carpets?


Tools found in Allgeria dated to around 30,000 years ago are called what, after a type site that begins ‘Bir el’ that is now a city of around 80,000 people in Tébessa province on the border with Tunisia?

ATERIAN (The city is Bir el Ater)

Located mainly in the Oran region, which earliest blade industry in North Africa is named for the two regiona of Iberia and Mauretania?


Neolithic civilisation is richly depicted in the painting of which national park that is located on a vast plateau in southwestern Algeria, its prehistoric art unsurprisingly making it on to the World Heritage List?


The World Heritage site of Timgad is notable for its grid plan, but by which emperor was it founded, with an arch named for him one of its highlights?


Initially a small Punic trading post, which Algerian World Heritage Site was removed from its ‘in danger’ list in 2006 following conservation efforts? It has a stele in its ruins that commemorates Albert Camus.


Capital of the Vandal kingdom from 435 to 439 and the place where Saint Augustine was bishop, Hippo Regius is now known as what third-largest city of Algeria, a busy seaport close to the border with Tunisia?


Im ancient times known as Rusicade and im the 19th century called Philippeville after the French king of the time, in which modern day city did the MV Maassluis smash on the pier-head of the port killing 27 of the 29 prople on board?


Who became the first king of Numidia in 202 BC, participating in the Battle of Zama that effectively ended the Second Punic War with Carthage’s defeat?


Sometimes known as the Truceless War, what was  the mutiny called where Berber soldiers rebelled from 241 to 238 BC after being unpaid following Carthage’s defeat in the First Punic War?


Now located in Morocco and called Malva by the Romans, which over 500km long river has formed the eastern border of the kingdom of Mauretania and delineated between Ottoman Algeria and the dynasties that controlled Morocco?


Who was the ruler of the Vandals when they moved into Norh Africa in 429, controlling coastal Numidia by 435 and being in charge when they sacked Rome in 455?


What self-name is used for the Berbers, with their flag containing blue, green and yellow horizontal bands with a red Tifinagh letter yaz in the middle?


Meaning ‘leopard’ in the Berber language, which 7th-century king of Altava is known for prosecuting a successful defence against the Muslim conquest of the Maghreb in the 680s?


During the reign of Kusaila, the Altava kingdom stretched from Volubilis in modern-day Morocco to which mountain range im the east of Algeria, centred around provinces that included Tebessa and Constantine?