
I’ve had a re-write of my super hard and semi-interesting Azerbaijan questions. While a sprint through the country’s cuisine dredged up some interesting questions, I’m not sure that’s yet to translate into any points in a quiz.


The second largest ethnic group in Azerbaijan, which predominantly Sunni muslim people number about a million, also having a large population in Dagestan?


Azerbaijan derives its name from which satrap of the Achaemenid empire? This Persian nobleman served Darius III and then Alexander the Great.


Numbering 21 in total, what is a hymn in the Young Avestan language that invokes a specific Zoroastrian divinity or concept?


What is a Zoroastrian concept of a spirit, which sends its soul-like ‘urvan’ to the material world to fight the battle of good and evil? They are associated with Ahura Mazda, and the faravahar is a possible depiction of one.


Meaning ‘boundary guardian’, what was the Persian term for a Sassanian military governor in charge of border provinces of the Parthian and Sassanian empires?


The subject of legends recorded in Armenian medieval texts and having a name meaning ‘young lion’, who was the prince of Caucasian Albania who tried to repel the Umayyads? The only historical source of his life and deeds was “History of the Land of Aghvank”.


Persian writer Khaqani’s fame rests upon which form of Iranian poetry, that makes up his “Divan”? The opening is usually a depiction of a natural event such as an imaginary sweetheart.


Which Safavid king, who reigned from 1524 to 1576, deposed the Shirvanshahs and made the area into the Safavid province of Shirvan? He was the second Safavid Shah and son to Ismail I.


Having his capital at Shiraz, Karim Khan was the founder and most important leader of which 18th-century Persian dynasty, with the island of Bahrain being under its influence as part of the autonomous sheikhdom of Bushire?


As part of which innocent sounding World War II German operation that targeted Baku did they also plant a flag on Mount Elbrus?


The second star being awarded posthumously by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1991 after an Azerbaijani appeal, which World War II major general was awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union title twice?


Officials claiming that 147 people died during it, what colour and month have been given to a violent 1990 crackdown in Baku by Gorbachev & co in an attempt to stifle independence?


Referring to a town near Stepanakert airport, what was the name of the largest single massacre of Azerbaijanis in the Nagorno-Karabakh war? Taking place in 1992, authorities claim 613 civilians lost their lives.


Situated in the south Caspian Sea, what is the largest gas field in Azerbaijan? It is the starting point of the Southern Gas Corridor, a route that has the potential to reduce Europe’s reliance on Russian gas.


Also the highest peak in Dagestan and situated in the Caucasus, which mountain is the high point of Azerbaijan?


Meromictic, meaning that there are layers of water that do not intermix, and having an etymology of ‘yellow water’, what is the largest lake in Azerbaijan?


Rising in Turkey and flowing through Georgia, what is the longest river in Azerbaijan? Its total length is over 900 miles, and the Aras is its main tributary.


Situated in the south-east of Azerbaijan and running into Ardabil and Gilan provinces in Iran, which mountain range is a sub-range of the Alborz?


Translated as ‘burning mountain’, what is the name of a gas fire that burns continously on a hillside near Baku, having flames that jet 3 metres into the air?


The official symbol of the Agdam and Shaki regions, which equine is the national animal of Azerbaijan?


Which double-barreled economic region to the north of Baku has the first part of its name very similar to another country, with just the first letter changed?


Now incorporated into the politically motivated Eastern Zangezur, which former double-barreled region borders Armenia to the west of Artsakh?


Along with Astara, which city and region complete the title of the economic region that came into being in a 2021 re-organisation, also being the southernmost in Azerbaijan on the border with Iran? Prior to the messing about, it made up the entire name of the country’s southernmost region.


The nearest major city being Qusar, what is the country’s largest winter resort, a name also shared by the nearby National Park where Mount Bazardüzü can be found?


Included as an Azerbaijani entry on UNESCO’s Intangible Heritage list, what is a square shaped headscarf worn by women that is woven from silk thread, coming in all sorts of colours and patterns?


Having those indispensable bullet holders across the chest, what is a woolen coat with a high neck, a typical clothing found in the Caucasus?


As worn by Khabib Nurmagomedov, what is a giant woolen hat typical of the Caucasus with white and black versions seeming to be popular choices?


Used on a Kamil Jalilov recording that was included on the Voyager Golden Record, what is the name of a double reed wind instrument popular in Azerbaijan? Similar to the Armenian duduk, a former Croatian international footballer who played briefly for Aston Villa carries the same surname.


Combining poetry, dance, storytelling and music into a performance art, what name is given to one of the UNESCO Intangible Heritage listings for Azerbaijan?


A favourire of Björk, which may or may not inspire you to add this to your Spotify playlist, which mugham singer provided backing vocals to Azerbaijan’s Eurovision entry when they hosted the show in 2012? He makes lots of ‘best of’ lists, so presumably that performance isn’t his lasting legacy.


Executed and buried in Aleppo and writing in the 14th and 15th centuries, which Hurufi mystical poet is considered the true founder of Turkish classical poetry?


The hero aiming to exact vengeance for the terrible blinding of his father, what is the main hero epic of Azerbaijan as well as Turkmen and Turkic peoples?


Made from unleavened dough and in line with Islamic tradition absent of pork, what name is given to a Caucasian dumpling?


Sometimes known as a Boğmali and allowing the tea at the top to cool while keeping the tea at the bottom warm, which ‘glass with a waist’ is a popular trinket in Azerbaijan?


The meat usually being lamb and including red or white beans, vegetables, herbs and spices, which meat stew is popular in Azerbaijan, Armenia and Iran?


A stuffed flatbread popular in Azerbaijan, what is a fried turnover with a filling of greens or minced meat?


What is the name of the ancient petroglyphs found in Ordubad, not far from the Armenian border and reputedly the place where Noah’s Ark came to rest? The name comes from a peak that means ‘stone ship’.


A former World no. 2 who reached this rank in 2018 and the sixth highest rated player of all time, which Azerbaijani chess player is among those to have beaten Magnus Carlsen?


Other names including ‘spinach dock’, what herb that is used in Azerbaijani cuisine has the Latin name ‘Rumex acetosa’?


The Caspian white fish is also known as the Caspian what? It is popular in Persian cuisine, though stocks have greatly reduced due to overfishing.


Literally meaning ‘pomegranate wine’ and also known as ‘pomegranate molasses’, what is the Azerbaijani name for a pomegranate sauce that is popular in their cuisine, great for those who can’t get enough of the word ‘pomegranate’ or the taste of that fruit?


To spice up a dreary sounding pea soup, which dish found in Azerbaijani cuisine adds meatballs and boiled potatoes? The meatballs are made of lamb or beef, rice and sometimes have dried plum inside.


Which Azerbaijani soup takes its name from the crock with a glazed interior that it is cooked in? It usually contains mutton and vegetables and is topped with potato.


Traditionally served as a wedding soup, which Azerbaijani dish is a soup traditionally made from plain yoghurt and herbs?


Called the ‘city of lights’ because of its hydroelectric power station on the Kura river, which fourth largest Azerbaijani city also gives its name to the largest reservoir in the Caucasus? The current city was founded in 1948, partly by German prisoners of war.



Amazingly I’m still struggling to link this guy with “Layla” despite having no illusions he exists. Rumi is just too much of a ‘go to’ answer, and I really should try to appreciate the differences between the two.


The Nizami Mausoleum can be found just outside which Azerbaijani city, with a clue being given by the two-word term he is also commonly known as?

GANJA (As in Nizami Ganjavi)

An inspiration for the Derek and the Dominoes song “Layla”, which narrative poem by Nizami has a title referring to two lovers, Layla and her lover Qays, the latter known by an epithet that suggests he is a bit on the ‘crazy’ side?


“Layla and Majnun” is one of five long narrative poems that make up which collection by Nizami? It is known by two names, one meaning ‘Quintet’ and another meaning ‘Five treasures’.


A ruler of the Sassanian empire, which princess was Khosrow II’s lover in the title of a work by Nizami that is included in his “Khamsa” collection of narrative poems?


What does the word ‘Namêh’ mean in the Nizami narrative poem “Eskandar-Namêh”, that word also making up part of the title in Ferdowsi’s work “Shahnameh”?


A masterpiece of erotic literature that is alternatively named for Sassanian emperor Bahram V, how many ‘beauties’ feature according to the title of Nizami’s “Haft Peykar”, part of his “Khamsa” collection?

SEVEN (Haft means 7 in Persian)

Part of Nizami’s “Khamsa” collection of five narrative poems, the “Mahkzan ol-Asrar”, roughly meaning ‘Treasury of Mysteries’, is what type of poem? Written in rhyming couplets, it is perhaps better recognised in the title of a famous work by 13th-century poet Rumi that is considered to be one of the great works of Persian literature.