
I hate to think how many misunderstandings there will be in here, even if I’ve spent ten times as long as I would on a pop music question.


Popular because it doesn’t burn easily and is a good insulator, which toxic compound once used in collant fluids is abbreviated as PCB?


Also discovered independently by Fulda-born Karl Ferdinand Braun, Le Chatelier’s principle is used to predict the effects that changing variables will have on what within chemistry?


What is the term for an isomer that has the same number of atoms in its molecular formula but the bond connections are different? An example would be C4H10O, which can have its letters and numbers shifted around to make butanol, methyl proper ether and diethyl ether.


Its simplest example being formic acid, a carboxylic acid is characterised as including a carboxyl group as represented by a formula with which four letters?


The co-discoverer of a record 12 chemical elements, all of them consecutive from 95 through to 106, who suggested the name seaborgium for 106? This is one of two elements named for a person who was alive at the time.


Used as a flavour enhancer and found naturally in a number of foods such as cheese, MSG is a salt of which amino acid that has been assigned the letter E?


Taken from an acronym used for the project team whose work led to the 1952 Ivy Mike H-bomb test, what was the original ‘joke’ name for einsteinium?


The simplest of the aldehydes, what is the chemical formula for formaldehyde, a compound that can be used to create more complex combinations that find industrial use?


Containing a carboxyl group, what is the chemical formula for acetic acid, the second simplest of the carboxylic acids after formic acid?

CH3COOH (Formic acid being HCOOH)

Setting off one of the longest priority disputes in the history of chemistry, which element did Carl Auer von Welsbach name Cassiopeium in 1907 after separating it from Ytterbium?


Its chemical formula being C2H2O or H2C=C=O, what is the formal name used for ketene? That latter word is also used for the wider group of compounds that contain a carbonyl group double-bonded to a carbon atom, which is in turn attached to two organic groups?


Nominated for the Nobel Prize 41 times but never winning, Gilbert Lewis is credited with naming which elementary particle in 1926?


One of the alternate names confusingly able to be shortened to LEDs, Gilbert Lewis is associated with namesake structures that contain what distinctive features in addition to chemical elements and lines?


Electron pairs being a key part of its development, what two-word concept did Gilbert Lewis introduce in his 1916 paper “The Atom and the Molecule”?


Involving the reaction of an ester and an alkali, what is the process called that sees fatty acids converted into the salt we know as soap?


Able to be formed with one, two or three fatty acids, which ester derived from glycerol reacts with sodium hydroxide to form soap in the process of saponification?