
Apparently the last South American war was in 1995, but it’s perhaps surprising to look back at how few conflicts there have been between two countries on the continent in recent history.


Shared with the name of a city in Chile, which culture from around 3,500 to 1,500 BC that existed in Ecuador is known for its female figurines?


Ecuador’s Valdivia culture was preceded by a culture that shared its name with which American city? There is a period between the two that lacks evidence of habitation for around 1,000 years.


Finding use in histology and linguistics among numerous others, what word can be used to describe a gap in a manuscript or a missing piece of history, an example being the time between the Las Vegas and Valdivia cultures in Ecuador?


Situated west of Guayaquil, in which coastal Ecuadorian province that lies on the peninsula of the same name did the Las Vegas and Valdivia cultures flourish?


Taking place in 1995, the Fourth Ecuadorian-Peruvian War was fought around the headlands of which river that is included in the most popular name for this conflict and the disputed area the two countries were fighting over? Following mediation, the demarcation of the border was settled by the 1998 Brasilia Presidential Act.


Elaborate figurines from the Jama-Coaque culture of Ecuador’s coastal province of Manabí can be found in the Walters Art Museum in which American city? Its collection of Ancient American art also displays artefacts from the Valdivia culture.


Found in Ecuador’s Cañar province, which Incan ruins  have the stand out feature of a temple that has been designed so that the sun shines through a doorway at the solstices?


Sharing its name with an ancient culture, which coastal National Park and Ramsar Wetland in Ecuador’s Manabí province includes the Isla de la Plata, a place where Francis Drake allegedly hid a hoard of treasure?


Studied by Alexander von Humboldt a few years after the event, a 1797 earthquake that saw thousands of casualties is named for which city that is now capital of Ecuador’s Chimborazo province?


Inspiring a short story of the same name by Jorge Luis Borges, which Ecuadorian city played host to an 1822 conference that saw independence heroes José de San Martin and Simón Bolivar discuss their differing ideas for the future of the South American continent?



Don’t expect the Galapagos or Chimborazo to be the answer here. 15 questions written as punishment for missing Guillermo Lasso again…


The archaeological site of Santa Ana-La Florida, which is of interest for its culture from thousands of years ago, can be found in which double-barreled province in the upper Amazon basin, the southernmost in Ecuador?


Which National Park in Zamora-Chinchipe and Loja provinces is named for a genus of conifers that comes from the Greek for ‘foot’ and ‘fruit’?


What is Ecuador’s Chinchipe river known as in Peru, giving rise to the double-barreled culture found at the archaeological site of Santa Ana-La Florida?


Native to the coastal regions of Ecuador, creatures in the genus strombus are what kind of mollusc?


Known for her activism which helped to protect some ancestral land from oil drilling, which female indigenous leader of the Waorani people was named in the Time 100 most influential people of the world for 2020?


Despite trailing by over 10% in the first round of voting, Guillermo Lasso emerged victorious in the 2021 Ecuadorian election when he defeated Andrés Arauz to succeed which president, who did not run following his approval rating dropping below 10% following the Covid pandemic?


While most of the Ecuadorian population are considered to be mestizo, what word is used for around 7% of the population that inhabit the countryside near the coast, sometimes also being called the coastal mestizo? Pictures often depict them riding horses and wearing panama hats, and they are associated with ranching.


Providing one of the official languages used by indigenous peoples in Ecuador, the Shuar people are also associated with what trophies of war, where they apparently sought to expel the ‘muisak’ spirit from their victims? These objects also go by the name ‘tsantsa’.


Although its first summit in 2019 was held in Santiago, Chile’s membership was suspended following a change in president. Its full name being ‘Forum for the Progress and Integration of South America’, what is its short name, with Ecuador being one of its members?


One being used to demonstrate the complex relationships between different international bodies across the Americas, what type of diagram is similar to a Venn diagram in that it represents sets, but different in that it only shows relevant relationships? Venn diagrams are also more restrictive than this one that takes its name from a mathematician.


Ecuador’s northernmost province shares its name with its capital, which is what coastal city of over 100,000 people, lying at the mouth of a river that also carries the name?


Emerging from the Las Vegas culture and thriving on the Santa Elena peninsula, which Ecuadorian type site is known for its figurines and shares its name with a city in Chile?


Named for a coastal people who were a successor to the Valdivia culture, which National Park and Ramsar wetland that can be found in Manabí province is home to the waved albatross and belted kingfisher, as well as an island named Isla de la Plata after a legendary hoard of silver left by Francis Drake?


A contender for being the elusive El Dorado, on the ruins of which city was the modern city of Cuenca built, this having been home to the Inca-resisting Cañari people and later being considered by the Inca as a ‘second Cuzco’?


A major public square takes its name from which Quito basilica and convent that has been called the ‘El Escorial of the New World’? The relevant saint is also included in the full title of Ecuador’s capital.