
Although I can’t help associate this country with the tragic earthquake and the subsequent cholera epidemic, maybe I’ll consider paying a visit one day. Perhaps when I convert to voodooism.


In the voodoo religion, which ancestral spirits are believed to live in a mythic land under the sea with which they share their name? A ‘New’ location with this word added provides a setting in the 2022 point and click adventure “Voodoo Detective”, a game clearly reminiscent of the “Monkey Island” series.


In which of the four cardinal directions would you need to travel in order to reach the Turks & Caicos Islands from Haiti?


Lying less than 50 miles west of the Tiburon Peninsula, which island is the subject of a territorial dispute between Haiti and the United States? The US claim goes back to the 1856 Guano Islands Act, which allowed US citizens to take possession of unclaimed islands containing guano deposits.


Working as a neurosurgeon before entering politics, who became acting Haitian President following the assassination of Jovenel Moïse? He has been suspected of involvement in that incident, particularly through alleged links to former justice ministry official Joseph Felix Badio.


Although Haitian independence was declared in 1804, it was not recognised by France until which year? This was the same year as when Brazilian independence was recognised through the Treaty of Rio de Janeiro.


Although it didn’t last very long, which fort established by Christopher Columbus in 1492 on the north-east coast of Haiti was the first European settlement in the Americas?


A rival of Henri Christophe, the only monarch to reign the brief Kingdom of Haiti, which first president of Haiti was in charge from 1807 until his death in 1818 at the age of 47?


When the tide turned against him he fled to Jamaica before moving to France and dying there. Who was the president of Haiti from 1818 to 1843, briefly annexing Spanish Haiti during that time?


Located about 30km west of Port-au-Prince, which town that may be a good choice to experience a Rara festival was the epicenter of the 2010 earthquake?


Legalising the encomienda system that saw indigenous people provide labour for the Spanish, which set of laws introduced in 1512 and named for a Spanish city were the first set of codified rules on how Spaniards could conduct themselves in the Americas? They were amended by the Laws of Valladolid the following year.