
I’m sure I’ve seen them splitting watermelons on one of the “Dangaronpa” games, but didn’t realise it was an actual thing. Presumably they don’t use the expensive cubed ones.


Happening during US President Franklin Pierce’s time in office, the Convention of Kanagawa that forced Japan to end its long period of isolation called ‘sakoku’ was signed in which year?


One of the ports forced to open following Matthew Perry’s negotiation of the 1854 Convention of Kanagawa was Shimono, this lying in which southern prefecture that is home to the HQ of both Suzuki and Yamaha as well as the Fuji Speedway, a regular in the “Gran Turismo” video game series?


Shared with the first name of the main character in the 2023 anime “The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World”, which type of ikebana also known as shoka uses principal lines that represent ‘heaven’, ‘human’ and ‘earth’?


Having a huge number of shrines dedicated to him in Japan, which Shinto archer god who was venerated by samurai warriors is spritually linked to Emperor Ojin, a legendary ruler from the 3rd and 4th centuries?


Exiled 12th century Emperor Shotoku was said to become what kind of vengeful spirit upon his death? He is considered to have been one of the three ‘Great’ ones of this type of ghost, with Heian period poet Sugawara no Michizane and samurai Taira no Masakado being the other two.


Appearing on UK-based restaurant chain Wagamama’s menu alongside pork belly ramen, which soup base has a name that means ‘white soup stock’ in Japanese?


Mentioned in the 2023 Wim Wenders film “Perfect Days”, author Aya Koda provides the name of a character in which manga that first appeared in 2012? Other authors honoured within its pages include Osamu Dazai, Ryunosuke Akatagawa and Fyodor Dostoyevsky.


Site of an eruption in 1888, Mount Bandai and the nearby Lake Inawashiro can be found in which Japanese prefecture that was the origin of the red cow toy known as an akabeko?


Carried out blindfolded on a visit to the beach and ultimately resulting in a refreshing treat, what is the Japanese term for a group activity where people attempt to split watermelons?


Yoko Ono is an alumni of which private Tokyo university that has a five leaved flower as its logo? Members of the imperial family have studied here as well as Hayao Miyazaki and Yukio Mishima.


Though it closed in 2010, Yoko Ono funded a John Lennon museum in which Japanese city that lies north of central Tokyo? It is the capital of a namesake prefecture and home to 2006 J1 League champions Urawa Red Diamonds.


Japan – Fashion, mining & horror

I got sick of putting the word ‘mix’ in the title. And I have to make this entertaining for myself, so I picked words that characterise ‘some’ of the questions. And I sneaked in a reference to “Root Letter” which no one other than me will care about.


Born in Tokyo, fashion designer Rei Kawakubo is best known for founding which Paris-based company in 1969?


Named for a location in Mayfair where its first store can be found, which multi-brand department store-cross-exhibition space was founded in 2004 by Rei Kawakubo? There are now additional sites in fancy locations like New York, Paris and Ginza.


Found in Japan, the mamushi is an animal found within a family with what common name, with that family also containing the Okinawan habu?

VIPERS (Viperidae)

Using a skill called ‘nensha’ that allowed her to telepathically imprint images to create a cursed video tape, what is the Japanese name of the antagonist in Koji Suzuki’s “Ring” trilogy of novels, this series later expanding to six books?


First published in 1996, which collection of Koji Suzuki short stories was the basis for a 2005 American film that saw Jennifer Connelly play the role of Dahlia, whose Roosevelt Island apartment develops a leak?


Inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage list, what resource was mined at Iwami Ginzan, a place on the north coast of Honshu in the Chugoku region? Closed in 1923, this site had operated for nearly 400 years.


In which prefecture within the Chugoku region can the Iwami Ginzan silver mine be found? The second least populous in the country, its capital Matsue was the setting for the visual novel game “Root Letter”.


Haifuki-ho was a method of separating silver from lead that was developed in Korea and later used at the Iwami Ginzan mine. Is does this by using what method that takes its name from a small porous container, this technique also being used to separate gold from base metals?


Coming from a Japanese word that collectively refers to the Four Heavenly Kings of Buddhism, which temple in Osaka was founded by Prince Shotoku in the late 6th century? Its latest rebuild was in 1963 and it was the first in the country to be commissioned by the state.


Performances involving a lone performer who is accompanied by a few props and remains seated in the seiza position, which form of Japanese entertainment sees stories being told that feature more than one character, with the different characters being depicted by changes in voice and expression?



Trying to get down to more than the basics of all things Nippon, but most of these really are insanely brutal. Warning: there are over 150 in this set.


Adding the suffix ‘hyo’ will extend it to the programme of bouts that take place during the day of a tournament. What is a single sumo match called?


Having cards that depict the shamisen, parasol and tea ceremony among other typically Japanese fare, which card game set in Japan involves you currying favour with geishas?


What Japanese concept says beauty is not just about the seen, but also the unseen? Examples include gazing on a boat that disappears behind an island or contemplating the flight of geese lost behind a cloud.


Difficult to translate, which Japanese word expresses the effect of sunlight filtering through the trees?


The first part of the word referring to the ‘public face’, which Japanese concept embodies the country’s spirit of hospitality and involves providing excellent public service without expecting anything in return? It was mentioned during their candidacy for the 2020 Olympics.


A word also used to describe a meld in mahjong, what Japanese concept refers to the ‘face’ that you present to someone, which may involve showing respect to elders and most definitely your boss?


Translating to something like ‘roots around’ or ‘turning on its roots’, what Japanese term refers to pre-meetings where a decision is made, rather than the meeting where it is announced?


Having a place in Zen buddhist teachings, what Japanese term calls for endurance in seemingly unbearable situations, all the while showing patience with dignity? Good luck trying to extend this to preventing the self-flagellation that occurs when you miss that sitter of a question.


Definitely a potential cause for confusion, which Japanese term means a person must exercise restraint and act reserved, particularly during conversation so that they are perceived as polite? For example, an invitation may be declined even though they want to accept, simply because they think it will put someone at an inconvenience.


Having been used by Wangari Matthai to highlight the amount of unncessary environmental waste, what term is used in Japanese culture to express regret when something has not been used to its full potential?


Also giving its name to a 1914 children’s song that has been sung by Placido Domingo, which Japanese term is used to refer to one’s hometown?


A kind of respectful yearning and aspiration for some ideal, perhaps being envious of another individual’s way of life, which Japanese concept gives its name to a 1970 manga and a 1986 associated live action TV drama by the same name?


A term that is difficult to translate, what is a bittersweet emotion of seemingly endless pain, characterised by sadness, nostalgia and a realisation that everything is temporary, tinged with a little bit of joy?


Previously seen as accomplishing something with franctic devotion, such as a Samurai risking their life to defend the territory of their ancestors, which Japanese concept can now imply that you should devote yourself whole-heartedly to whatever you are trying to accomplish? Perhaps trying to improve your knowledge of all things Japan fits in well here.


The origin of this phrase comes from the four trees that bloom in the spring; cherry, peach, plum and apricot. Which Japanese concept focuses on the different traits that people have, suggesting that rather than comparing themselves to others, people should value their own unique characteristics?


Similar to okonomiyaki, what is a Japanese savoury pancake of pan-fried batter that is popular in the Kanto region? It uses more dashi or water than okonomiyaki, giving a runnier consistency.


In Japan the word ‘hibachi’ refers to a traditional heating device that is not usually used for cooking, with the western use of the term for a charcoal grill owing to a misconception that has now become set in stone. By what name are hibachi grills called in Japan, the name meaning something like ‘seven rings’?

SHICHIRIN (Shichi means ‘seven’)

Also known as the cinnamon-vine and with a long version of it being known as ‘nagaimo’ in Japan, by what two-word term is the ‘dioscorea polystachya’ known, being unusual among similar foods as it can be eaten raw?


As well as being father to “Territory of Light” author Yuko Tsushima, Osamu Dazai is known for which 1948 novel that is the second best selling novel in Japan after Soseki Natsume’s 1914 novel “Kokoro”?


Published in 1964, which work by Kenzaburo Oe is a semi-autobiographical tale about a man who must come to terms with his mentally disabled son?


Part of Japan’s hip-hop and black culture boom, which female writer of controversial taboo subjects has works including “Bedtime Eyes” and “Trash”?


One of the leading writers of Japanese detective fiction, which female writer’s works include “Out”, asking readers what would be the chain of events if something happened to them? Perhaps unsurpisingly another novel is called “In”!


Which female author is translating “The Tale of Genji” and has works including “A Blissful Pastime”, “Woman on the Other Shore” and “The Eighth Day”? “Woman on the Other Shore” won the Naoki Prize in 2004.


Other novels including “Winter Sleep” and “Like a Rolling Stone”, which alliterative hard-boiled writer’s novels include “Ashes”, a story about a Yakuza mobster?


Which poet gained posthumous fame with “Night on the Galactic Railroad” and “Gauche the Cellist”? He also wrote children’s works, many being adapted into animes.


Subsequently adapted into numerous different media formats, which alliterative author wrote “Socrates in love”, also known as “Crying out love, in the center of the world”? This is his only work that has been translated into English.


Not releasing any work since, who wrote the famous Japanese novel “Battle Royale”?


Also a silver medallist in the 1,000m at the same Olympics, who was the first Japanese woman to win an individual gold in speed skating in 2018, doing so in the shortest long track event, the 500m?


The ivory having to be stained first despite the challenge this provides, what Japanese term is used for engraving on ivory, the idea being to show the ivory underneath the dye?


Sometimes found on Buddhist statues and paintings, which Japanese decorative technique uses gold, silver or platinum leaf that is cut into lines, diamonds and triangles?


Which opaque sliding panels can move from side to side and redefine spaces within a room, or act as doors?

FUSUMA (Shoji are not opaque)

Looking rather unhappy and having a name that means ‘enlightened constancy’, who was the wife of the Emperor Taisho?


Having a capital of the same name, in which southernmost prefecture was ‘The Tiger of Malaya’ Tomoyuki Yamashita born? It is also known for its delicious skipjack tuna and yuzus.


There also being a manga by this name which has been running since 2018, what term is used for a 15 minute serialized ‘morning drama’, with “Oshin” one popular example?


The 59th to attain the rank of Yokozuna, which sumo wrestler was known as the ‘Oshin Yokozuna’, because he fought his way to the rank despite having diabetes?


The Mogami river, which has its source in Mount Azuma and empties into the Sea of Japan, is in which Tohoku prefecture that lies directly north of Fukushima prefecture?


Apparently an inspiration for Nintendo’s ‘Miis’, what name is used for a Japanese wooden doll with no arms or legs?


Which small town in Kanagawa prefecture is a popular tourist destination for its hot springs and views of Mount Fuji? Tokyo-3 from “Neon Genesis Evangelion” is located here.


All being used in the makuuchi top division of sumo wrestling, what second highest rank lies between the top one of yokozuna, and the third of sekiwake?


Meaning the ‘little knot’ in reference to the bout between the wrestlers, what is the fourth highest sumo rank below yokozuna, ozeki and sekiwake?


The lowest rank in the Makuuchi top division, what is the fifth highest sumo rank below yokozuna, ozeki, sekiwake and komusubi?


What term can be used for a Japanese performer dressed in an animal costume, with this being extended to the ‘cosplay pyjamas’ that they wear? A variation of the undesired onesie, its name is derived from the verb for ‘to wear’ and the noun for ‘stuffed toy’.

KIGURUMI (Kiru – Niugurumi)

From Chiba prefecture, which yuru-chara is like a little yellow bud that wears a blue top with a red circle in its centre?


The second largest in Chiba prefecture after the namesake capital, which Japanese city does Funassyi represent, also the birthplace of former Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda?


A 0-year old fairy baby otter that has featured on “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver”, which yuru-chara from the port city of Susaki in Kochi prefecture wears a pink shelled turtle for a hat?


Which yuru-chara is the sharp toothed mascot of Japanese broadcaster NHK, also known as the Japanese Broadcasting Corporation?


Lying to the west of the Kansai region, which of Japan’s eight regions consists of five prefectures at the west end of Honshu that includes Hiroshima?


Stretching for 500km in the Tohoku region, which longest mountain range in Japan lies to the west of Miyagi prefecture and has its highest point at Mount Iwate?


Including the city of Nikko, a world heritage site with Shinto and Buddhist shrines, which prefecture in Japan’s Kanto region begins with the letter ‘t’?


Home to the Tonjinbo cliffs and lying on the Sea of Japan coast, which prefecture in the Chubu region begins with the letter ‘f’?


One of only eight landlocked prefectures in Japan, which prefecture in the Chubu region begins with the letter ‘g’? It is known for its Washi paper industry, with associated products including lanterns and umbrellas.


Japan’s ‘fruit kingdom’, which prefecture in the Chubu region begins with the letter ‘y’ and shares Mount Fuji with Shizuoka prefecture?


Containing the famous tourist draw of the Himeji Castle and having its capital at the major city of Kobe, which prefecture in the Kansai region begins with the letter ‘h’?


Although only an association created in the modern era, which prefecture in the Chugoku region that begins with the letter ‘o’ is associated with the folklore hero Momotaro, a boy discovered inside of a peach?


The least populous prefecture and home to the largest sand dunes system in Japan, which prefecture in the Chugoku region begins with the letter ‘t’?


Shimonoseki is the largest city in which prefecture in the Chugoku region that is also the westernmost on Honshu?


What is the northernmost of the two Shikoku prefectures beginning with the letter ‘k’? It is perhaps best known for udon, with that leading to there being a high number of noodle shops in the prefecture.


Which prefecture on Shikoku begins with the letter ‘t’? It is known for the Awa Odori festival, which brings in the tourists during Obon.


Located on Kyushu, what is the southernmost prefecture in Japan? Sakurajima, one of the most active volcanoes in Japan, is situated here.


Other than Kagoshima, which prefecture on Kyushu begins with the letter ‘k’? Sites include Mount Aso, which along with containing one of the world’s largest calderas is to be avoided as it is home to Rodan, the giant pteranodon from Ishiro Honda’s kaiju film of the same name.


Which prefecture on Kyushu begins with the letter ‘s’? It is known for its ceramics and porcelain with towns including Arita.


Also known as Naicho, what do the letters CIRO stand for in an acronym used for the Japanese version of the CIA? Surprisingly, these are all English words.


About 3cm wide, often decorated with kanji and making a humming sound when spun correctly, on what spinning top are the “Beyblade” toys based?


Which Japanese toy company introduced “Beyblade” and merged with Tomy in 2006, also contributing to the introduction of “Transformers”?


Whose theorem of origami states that at every vertex the number of valley and mountain folds differ by two in either direction, whatever that means?


A theorem of origami that expands on Jun Maekawa’s to include angles is attributed to which Japanese paperfolder?


Jacques Justin and Koshiro Hatori can both be added to which Japanese mathematician’s name to make a double-barreled set of rules that outline the mathematical principles of origami, with there being seven confirmed axioms in total?


Part of a tegata with the red or black handprint, what term is used for a Sumo wrestler’s ring name?


One of the Seven Great Temples of Nara, Horyu-ji is located in which town in Nara prefecture? The Kondo or main hall is widely recognised as the world’s oldest wooden building.


Belonging to Kagoshima prefecture, Yakishima Island is one of which group of islands, that also contains Tanegashima?


Having a double-barreled name, which virgin forest area that straddles Aomori and Akita prefectures was one of the earliest Japanese sites to be added to UNESCO’s World Heritage list?


Gokayama is known for its traditional gassho-zukuri houses, which are a type of what vernacular house constructed in any one of several traditional Japanese building styles?


In which prefecture can the historic village of Shirakawa-go be found, which makes up part of a UNESCO site with Gokayama?


A poster boy for pretty Japanese tourist sites, what is the name of the picturesque water based UNESCO shrine in Hiroshima prefecture with red gates?


Featuring in the long title of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, what word can be used to describe castles or fortresses in the Ryukyu Islands of Okinawa prefecture that feature stone walls?


Listed as a World Heritage Site, which remote national park on a namesake peninsula in north-east Hokkaido takes its name from ‘the place where the earth protrudes’?


In which town in Iwate prefecture are there temples, gardens and archaeological sites representing the Buddhist Pure Land branch of Mahayana Buddhism, being significant enough to catch the attention of UNESCO?


Thanks to UNESCO we may pay more attention to what silk reeling factory established in 1872 that lies in Gunma prefecture? Check out the East and West Cocoon Warehouses.


Located in Ueno Park, which Tokyo museum is included in the UNESCO listing for works by Le Corbusier? Bring on the concrete!


Having a rotating population of one, which prefecture holds the sacred island of Okinoshima, with a ban on women meaning the female gender have one less site to visit on their World Heritage checklist?


In which prefecture within the Kansai region can the Mozu-Furuichi kofun keyhole tombs be found?


Amami-Oshima, Tokunoshima, the northern part of Okinawa, and Iriomote are noted for their biodiversity. In which island chain can they be found that has a name meaning ‘south-west’, better known as the Ryukyu Islands?


When souls cross the river Sanzu in the underworld by bridge, ford or snake-infested waters, what is the other side called? A holiday by this name is celebrated by Japanese Buddhist sects, with it also providing the name for a video game emulator.


The Japanese fee for crossing the Sanzu is six what, similar to the obols used to pay Charon? This currency was in use from 1336 to 1870.


Not to be confused with a similar sounding polluted river that supplies much of Mumbai’s drinking water, what is the Hindu mythology equivalent of the Styx, with a cow being the payment charged for ferrying a soul across it?

VAITARANI / VAITARANA (The Maharashtra river is Vaitarna)

What was the restoration called when Go-Daigo became emperor in 1333, the last emperor to wield real power until the Meiji restoration in 1868? It was overthrown by the Ashikaga shogunate in 1336, meaning it only lasted three years.


The introduction of the Ashikaga shogunate split the imperial family into two factions, one backed by Ashikaga in the north at Kyoto, and a southern court based where, that was led by Go-Daigo?


Before Nihon or Nippon was adapted as the name of Japan in the early 8th Century, what did China know the country as?


Which period of Japanese history followed the Jomon and ran from about 300 BC to 300 AD? It is named for an ancient ethnicity that migrated to Japan and mixed with the Jomon people.


Which period of Japanese history lasted from around 538 to 710, with Prince Shotoku known for promoting Buddhism during it? It is named for a region about 25km south of Nara.


Taking place in 645, which reforms nationalised all land in Japan, distributing it equally among cultivators? It also ordered the compilation of a household registry as the basis for a new system of taxation.


Which war of 672 between Prince Oama and Prince Otomo became a major catalyst for further administrative reforms?


The reforms that followed the 672 Jinshin War resulted in which code, that consolidated existing statutes and established the structure of the central and subordinate local governments?


The legal reforms that led to the Taiho code created what kind of state, a system of Chinese-style centralised government that remained in place for half a millennium?


Which emperor moved the capital from Nara in 784, settling on modern day Kyoto in 794?


Written in the 13th and 14th centuries, Lady Nijo is known for which work, commonly translated into English as the “Confessions of Lady Nijo”?


Minamoto no Yoritomo was the founder and first shogun of which Japanese period?


To which 89th Japanese emperor, in the role during the Kamakura period, was Lady Nijo a concubine, with her later becoming a Buddhist nun?


At the beginning of the Kamakura period the Minamoto clan briefly continued to wage war against the northern version of which clan, one of the four great clans during the Heian period with the Taira and Tachibana making up the rest of the quartet?


Power was transferred to which clan in the early 13th century during the Kamakura period? Several administrative achievements were made under their Regency, including Japan’s first military code of law.


Also known as the Ashikaga era after its founder Ashikaga Takauji, which period of Japanese history followed the Kamakura period, running roughly from 1336 to 1573?


The two illustrated handscrolls known as the “Moko Shurai Ekotoba” are particularly known for their depictions of what event, with depictions being made of the battles of Bun’ei and Koan?


Oda Nobunaga’s consolidation of power ushered in which double-barreled period, the final phase of the Sengoku period? This is named for the respective castles of Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi.


Tokogawa Ieyasu acted as regent for a son of Toyotomi Hideyoshi with what given name, who used his position to gain political and military support?


Later abdicating in 1611 although he had not yet reached the age of 40, which emperor appointed Tokugawa Ieyasu as shogun in 1603?


Known by a two-word term, which ‘laws for the military houses’ were put in place by the Tokugawa shogunate mainly to restrict the power of daimyos?


Rising to power and significance during the Edo period, which commodity brokers are seen as the forerunners to Japan’s banking system, being particularly associated with Osaka?


In contrast to rangaku, the study of Western sciences, what is the study of Japan by the Japanese called?


By what alternate English-language title is the 1963 Kon Ichikawa film “An Actor’s Revenge” also known?


Based on a Junichiro Tanazaki novel called “The Key”, which alliterative Kon Ichikawa film won the Jury prize at the 1960 Cannes festival?


Based on a children’s novel, which 1956 Kon Ichikawa anti-war film is named for a musical instrument played by a Buddhist monk? A group of soldiers are looking to find out whether he is a past friend, but they are unsure if that friend even survived the war.


Which 1965 sports documentary film is a work by Kon Ichikawa, one of the few sports films to make it into the 1001 movies list?


Matthew Perry and his ‘black ships’ forced the opening of Japan to the world in 1854 under what Convention, which shares its name with the prefecture in which it was signed?

CONVENTION OF KANAGAWA (It was signed in Yokohama)

Who was the 15th and last Tokugawa shogun, his resignation in 1867 leading to the Boshin War?


In what years did the First Sino-Japanese War take place, with the Japanese emerging victorious?

1894 TO 1895

In 1936, what pact did Japan sign with Nazi Germany, ostensibly to counter the threat of the Soviet Union?


The Allied occupation of Japan ended in 1952 following the signing of which treaty, with Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida signing it at the War Memorial Opera House?


Members including the Bonin Islands and Iwo Jima, which group of islands that are administered by Tokyo and lie in the geographical region of Micronesia are situated to the south and east of Japan?


How is the Kobe earthquake also known, after the region of Hyogo prefecture in which it took place?


A park on the hillside of which Mount in Yamanashi prefecture is a famous spot for viewing Mount Fuji? It includes ‘Sengen’ in the name of the park.


Set mainly in Kobe, which 1983 Enix adventure game is seen as an influential title, helping to define the visual novel genre and inspiring the likes of Hideo Kojima? Made by Yuji Horii, it featured non-linear gameplay and alternate endings with the two follow up games including “Karuizawa Yuukai Annai”.


Which Hawaii born Asian-American is responsible for “The Curious Adventures of Sherlock Holmes in Japan”, which has the premise that Sherlock Holmes spent his missing years in Karuizawa in Nagano prefecture?


The composition for piano and small orchestra “Sept haïkaï – esquisses japonaises” was composed by which 20th century composer, the work containing “The Birds of Karuizawa”?


The momiji is a Japanese variety of which tree? You may wish to visit the Kii pilgrimage route temple Kongobu-ji in Wakayama prefecture to see these in bloom.


What term is used for a traditional multi-course Japanese dinner? Omakase is apparently its spiritual companion and counterpoint.


Wife to Naruhito, who is the current empress of Japan?


The pretty much constant reign of the Liberal Democratic Party in Japanese politics is known as which system, named for a year?


Japan disputes the ownership of which uninhabited islands with both China and Taiwan? They are known as the Diaoyu islands in China and the Diaoyutai islands in Taiwan.


Japan’s administration of which coral atoll that makes up the southernmost part of the country is its only territory south of the Tropic of Cancer?


Employing an Aegis ballistic missile defence system, which class of Japanese destroyer is named after mountains in Japan rather than another country?


Which article of the Japanese constitution renounces its right to declare war or use military force for international disputes?


What stir-fry dish is considered to be the representative dish of Okinawan cuisine? Having a name that means ‘something mixed’, it may even add in spam!


What ‘grouping of enterprises’ is a Japanese system where a set of businesses have interlocking business relationships and shareholdings?


Home to Tsuruga castle, which westernmost region of Fukushima is home to Akabeko, a legendary cow that gave rise to a traditional toy that some believed could ward off smallpox?


The acronym of the huge company UFJ stands for what English words?


Containing some English words, what does the acronym of the huge company NTT stand for?


Which largest retailer in Asia have a network which includes ministops, supermarkets and speciality stores, as well as being Japan’s single-largest shopping mall developer and operator?


Which investment management group is known for the leadership of its founder and largest shareholder Masayoshi Son? It runs Vision Fund, the world’s largest technology-focused venture capital fund.


Itoshu is one of the largest of what general trading company known by a two-word term, of which Mitsubishi is the largest? The company is distinguished by not being descended from a historical zaibatsu group, but by the strength of its textile business and operations in China.


Meaning ‘hope’, what is the nickname of the Japanese Experiment Module for the International Space Station?


The name of Japan’s national space organisation, what does JAXA stand for?


In 2007, Japan launched which lunar explorer from Tanegashima Space Center? This was the largest lunar mission since the Apollo space program.


The bronze Great Buddha of Kamakura that can be found at the Kotoku-in temple is a representation of which primary Buddha of Pure Land Buddhism, whose attributes include immeasurable life and light?


What four-letter word precedes ‘shu’ in the Japanese name for the sect of the Pure Land School of Buddhism, one of the sects that form the dominant Pure Land form of Buddhism in China, Korea and Japan? The Great Buddha of Kamakura is associated with this sect.


Meaning ‘field of a thousand generations’, which area of Tokyo is the political centre of the country being home to the Imperial Palace, National Diet Building, Toho studios and Akihabara?


Kaiju is a sub-genre of what other genre that literally means ‘special effects’, with other examples including superhero works like “Kamen Rider” and “Metal Hero”, and of course “Super Sentai”?


Along with Akira Kurosawa and Yasujiro Ozu, which director is seen as a representative of the ‘golden age’ of Japanese cinema, with films including “The Story of Last Chrysanthemums”, “The Life of Oharu” and “Sancho the Bailiff”?


Which Japanese director is best known for the epic trilogy “The Human Condition”, as well as Samurai films like “Harakiri”?


The Akashi Kaikyo bridge, the second longest suspension bridge in the world, connects which city to which island?


Opened in 2022 and crossing the Dardanelles, which suspension bridge surpasses the Awaji Kaikyo in length?


Which group known commonly by a two-letter acronym lies at the heart of the Japanese railway network?


Which largest Japanese railway company outside of JR takes the first part of its name from the alternate designation for the Kansai region?

KINTETSU (Kinki region)

Which Japanese railway company is an abbreviation of ‘West Musashi’, a historic name for the area that it serves?


Which Japanese railway company takes the characters in its name from Tokyo and Hachioji, the places through which it runs?


What is the largest domestic airport, the second busiest in Asia?


The cargo capacity of the Keihin and Hanshin superports is measured in TEU, which stands for what?


Which tallest structure in Japan is also the tallest free-standing structure in the G20 and among OECD countries, only being beaten by the Burj Khalifa and Malaysia’s Merdeka 118 in the worldwide rankings?


What term is used for Koreans who have permanent residency status in Japan or have become Japanese citizens?


Including people such as executioners, undertakers and butchers, what term is used for a social group of descendants from those who were occupied with ‘kegare’?


In which prefecture can Japan’s fourth largest city of Nagoya be found?


Although not its largest city, in which prefecture can Japan’s eighth largest city of Kawasaki be found?


In which prefecture can Japan’s 15th largest city of Sakai be found?


In which prefecture can Japan’s 17th largest city of Hamamatsu be found?


In which prefecture can Japan’s 19th largest city of Sagamihara be found?


Amami, Kunigami, Okinawan, Miyako, Yaeyama and Yonagumi are collectively known as what group of languages?


What is the alternate term for an endangered language, with the language isolate Ainu having only a few native speakers remaining?


Along with Mount Fuji and Mount Haku, which is the third of Japan’s ‘Three Holy Mountains’? Part of the Hida Mountains, which are also known as the Northern Alps, it is found in Toyama prefecture in the Chubu region of Honshu.