
See if you can spot the rogue question written after following a thread on the Ugandan Knuckles?


In which online virtual world platform where you can interact with others using custom made 3D avatars did the Ugandan Knuckles meme come to prominence?


Adapted into a 2022 shoot-em-up video game, in which anime do exiled dragons Kanna and Tohru turn into housework aficionados?


Into which of Africa’s Great Lakes does the White Nile head to after Lake Kyoga, with Murchison Falls lying between the two lakes?


Lake Albert overlaps the border of Uganda and which other country?


Commonly regarded as the ‘adventure capital of East Africa’, which Ugandan city of over 300,000 people can you use as a base to go white-water rafting and visit the ‘Source of the Nile’? It lies on the northern shores of Lake Victoria.


Its name originating from the Maasai language, which extinct shield volcano on the border between Uganda and Kenya is also a source of water to Lake Kyoga?


What type of lake is too shallow to develop thermal stratification, so their waters can mix from top to bottom throughout the ice-free period? Lake Kyoga is one such example.


‘Pontederia crassipes’ is an aquatic plant native to South America that has become an invasive species, including in Lake Kyoga. Known as the ‘terror of Bengal’, what is its two-word common name?


Which film by Nabwana I.G.G., called the ‘Ugandan Tarantino’ because of the violence in his films, was made in the Kampala slum film studio known as Wakaliwood for $85 and has been viewed over 7 million times on Youtube?


First identified in Uganda in 1937, the West Nile virus is a member of which genus, which also includes the Zika virus, Dengue virus and Yellow Fever virus?


Named by Carl Linnaeus for a non-specific Latin term for ‘gnat’ or ‘midge’, which type of mosquito acts as a vector for the West Nile virus and St. Louis encephalitis?


The West Nile virus is gentically related to a family of encephalitis viruses named for which country, with these diseases generally being spread by mosquitoes in the Culex genus?

JAPAN (Japanese encephalitis)

Although over 70 languages are spoken in Uganda, it has two national languages, English and which other?


With English and Swahili being Uganda’s official languages, which of its other many languages is recognised as a national language?


Having a fictionalised biography written about him by his second wife Harriet called “A Wayfaring Man”, which ceremonial magician and anthropologist who died in New Zealand observed a Caesarean section being performed by indigenous healers in Kahura?


Also known as Rub, which group of languages that were spoken in parts of  Uganda prior to the arrival of Bantu and Nilotic speakers are now spoken by small communities in the mountainous north-east, with some having already died out though Ik is on the rise?


Barack Obama’s father was from which Nilotic group of people who are Kenya’s fourth largest ethnic group, that can also be found in Uganda?


What title is given to the ruler of the King of Bunyoro, a successor kingdom to the Kitara empire, also being used for the Bantu kingdom of Tooro, who live on Uganda’s western border south of Lake Albert?


Near to the modern day city of Juba, which island on the east bank if the White Nile in modern day South Sudan was once a trading station that was seized by Charles Gordon in 1874, with Theodore Roosevelt also once passing through with his son Kermit? From this point, navigation further up the White Nile to Uganda continued overland.


The first European to visit Lake Albert, which London-born explorer was particularly renowned for his big game hunting exploits, with an antelope subspecies, Sri Lankan waterfall and Rwenzori mountain being named for him?


Which Ottoman Khedive of Egypt who was removed at the behest of the British in 1879, conquered Sudan and sent explorer Samuel Baker into Uganda with the aim of suppressing the slave trade and annexing territories?


The 30th Kabaka of the Kingdom of Buganda who was reported to have married over 80 wives, who was in charge when many of his court converted to Christianity, with the succession of his anti-Christian son Mwanga leading to the dwath of the Ugandan martyrs between 1885 and 1887?